Professor Alan Hirsch

Senior Research Fellow a New South Institute—directing research program: Migration Governance Reform in Africa. Professorial Research Associate at SOAS and Emeritus Professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, UCT. Founding director of the latter. Managed economic policy in the South African Presidency 2002-2012, represented Presidents in the G20, and co-chaired the G20 Development Working Group. On President Ramaphosa’s Economic Advisory Council since 2019. Zambia Research Director for the International Growth Centre 2010-2015. 

Most research before 2019 was on the political economy of South and Southern Africa’s economic development. Since 2019 I have mostly researched migration governance in Africa. Publications include Season of Hope - Economic Reform under Mandela and Mbeki, The Oxford Companion to South African Economics and South Africa: When Strong Institutions and Massive Inequalities Collide and working papers, chapters and articles on South African economic and political economy issues, and on migration governance in Africa. Current research